Setting input file

Here we provide an explanation of the various input parameters that can be edited for a typical STREAmS run. All the parameters are reported in a single file, named singleideal.ini, organized in different sections and using the classical .ini format. Some ready-to-use input examples are provided in the folder examples.

File structure of singleideal.ini


This section allows the user to specify parameters to define the computational domain and its discretization. When the grid is directly generated in STREAmS, nodes in the x and z directions are always equally spaced.

  • domain_size_x => real, domain size in x direction

  • domain_size_y => real, domain size in y direction

  • domain_size_z => real, domain size in z direction

  • nxmax => integer, total number of grid nodes in x direction (must be multiple of x_split)

  • nymax => integer, total number of grid nodes in y direction

  • nzmax => integer, total number of grid nodes in z direction (must be multiple of z_split)

  • ng => integer, total number of ghost nodes (must be >= max(ep_order, visc_order)/2)

  • metrics_order => integer, order of accuracy for metrics computation (suggested value: 2* ng)

  • grid_type => integer, specifiy mesh type

    • 1 => Read grid from files

    • 2 => Uniform grid

    • 3 => Channel type grid

    • 4 => Boundary layer type grid

    • 5 => Shock wave boundary layer interaction type grid

  • dyptarget => real, active for grid_type = 3,4,5, y spacing at the wall in wall-units

  • jbgrid => integer, active for grid_type = 3,4,5, used to control transition from the inner and outer layer resolution (suggested values: 16,24,32)

  • nywr => integer, active for grid_type = 4,5, number of nodes in the well-resolved region between the wall (y=0) and y = lywr

  • lywr => real, active for grid_type = 4,5, size of the well-resolved region

  • ysmoosteps => integer, number of iterations to smooth wall-normal grid at boundary layer edge or channel centreline


A non-uniform distribution of nodes is needed in the wall-normal direction (y) for the simulation of wall-bounded flows. In this case, STREAmS adopts the “natural” grid stretching proposed in [10], hereinafter denoted as Pirozzoli mapping function. Depending on the particular flow case under investigation, the following strategies are followed:

  • channel flow => Pirozzoli mapping function applied to distribute nodes between the two walls (located at \(y = \pm 1\)). To avoid odd behavior in the node distribution, the user shold use a total number of nodes in the wall-normal direction (nymax) close to \(N_y = \frac{8}{3} \, Re_{\tau}^{3/4}\)

  • boundary layer and shock boundary layer interaction => Pirozzoli mapping function applied to distribute nodes in the well-resolved region, between y = 0 (lower wall) and y = lywr, discretized with nywr nodes. To avoid odd behavior in the node distribution, the user should use a number of nodes in the well-resolved region (nywr) close to \({N_y}_{wr} = \frac{4}{3} \, \left (Re_{\tau} \, {L_y}_{wr}\right)^{3/4}\). The remaining part of the computational domain (from y = lywr up to y = domain_size_y) is discretized using nymax - nywr grid nodes, distributed according to a geometric progression.

When grid_type = 1, the grid is generated in pre-processing, and so the user must provide the code with 3 ASCII files named x.dat, y.dat, z.dat of size nxmax, nymax, nzmax respectively, each containing one column with the node coordinates in the corresponding Cartesian direction.


This section allows the user to specify flags to impose boundary conditions.

  • xmin => integer, flag for static boundary condition on side xmin

  • xmax => integer, flag for static boundary condition on side xmax

  • ymin => integer, flag for static boundary condition on side ymin

  • ymax => integer, flag for static boundary condition on side ymax

  • zmin => integer, flag for static boundary condition on side zmin

  • zmax => integer, flag for static boundary condition on side zmax

  • xmin_nr => integer, flag for bc treatment based on characteristic decomposition on side xmin

  • xmax_nr => integer, flag for bc treatment based on characteristic decomposition on side xmax

  • ymin_nr => integer, flag for bc treatment based on characteristic decomposition on side ymin

  • ymax_nr => integer, flag for bc treatment based on characteristic decomposition on side ymax

  • zmin_nr => integer, flag for bc treatment based on characteristic decomposition on side zmin

  • zmax_nr => integer, flag for bc treatment based on characteristic decomposition on side zmax

  • x_recyc => real, specify recycling location in x direction

  • correct_bound_ord => integer, flag to reduce the order of accuracy at boundaries and avoid the use of ghost nodes (1 -> active)


The following flags can be specified for the static boundary condition:

  • 0 ==> periodicity (available for all sides)

  • 1 ==> free-stream (available for xmin)

  • 2 ==> extrapolation (available for all sides)

  • 4 ==> extrapolation with pressure imposed (available for xmax, ymax)

  • 5 ==> symmetry (available for ymin)

  • 6 ==> viscous wall (available for ymin, ymax)

  • 7 ==> oblique shock entering the domain (available for ymax)

  • 9 ==> compressible Blasius for laminar inflow (available for xmin).

  • 10 ==> recycling-rescaling for turbulent inflow (available for xmin).

Concerning the characteristic treatment, the following options are available for all sides:

  • 0 ==> characteristic treatment is not applied

  • 1 ==> pure non-reflecting

  • 2 ==> relaxation, see [9]

  • 6 ==> reflective wall


This section allows the user to specify parameters for the MPI decomposition.

  • x_split => integer, MPI partitions in x direction

  • y_split => integer, MPI partitions in y direction (should be always 1)

  • z_split => integer, MPI partitions in z direction


The product x_split * y_split * z_split must be equal to the total number of MPI tasks.


This section allows the user to specify parameters to control time integration and restart options.

  • restart_type => integer, 0-> new run from scratch, 1-> continue previous run, 2-> continue previous run and statistics collection

  • cfl => real, Courant number for time step selection

  • iter_dt_recompute => integer, active when cfl > 0, frequency (number of RK steps, i.e. time iterations) for re-computation of time step

  • num_iter => integer, number of RK steps


When cfl > 0, the Courant number is constant, and the time step is computed every iter_dt_recompute cycles. Alternatively, the time step of the simulation can be directly specified using a negative value of cfl. In the latter case, the time step is equal to abs(cfl).


This section allows the user to specify parameters to control numerical methods.

  • ep_order => integer, order of accuracy for the discretization of convective terms

  • nkeep => integer, KEEP(n) or KEP scheme selection

  • conservative_viscous => integer, flag to activate computation of viscous terms in conservative form (1-> yes), see [14]

  • visc_order => integer, order of accuracy for the discretization of viscous terms

  • weno_scheme => integer, parameter for WENO (order of accuracy is 2 * weno_scheme - 1)

  • weno_version => integer, select WENO version (0 -> Jang & Shu, 1 -> WENO Z)

  • sensor_threshold => real, threshold value for shock sensor

  • rk_type => integer, specify Runge-Kutta type (for future use, only the third order scheme is currently implemented, set equal to 1)

  • rand_type => integer, specify random behavior, < 0 not reproducible, >=0 reproducible

  • mod_async => integer, specify communication pattern, =0 sync, =1 async


The discretization of the convective terms of the Navier-Stokes equations in smooth flow regions can be selected with nkeep. When nkeep<0 the KEP scheme described in [11] is used. When nkeep>=0 the discretization is based on the family of kinetic energy and entropy preserving schemes KEEP(n), described in [12]. The available orders of accuracy for ep_order and visc_order are 2,4,6,8. The baseline shock capturing flux is based on the classic WENO schemes by [5] (weno_version = 0). Admissible values for weno_scheme are 1,2,3,4, corresponding to first-, third-, fifth- and seventh-order schemes, respectively. For the fifth-order scheme (weno_scheme = 3), it is possible to select the optimized WENO-Z scheme proposed by [1] (weno_version=1).


This section allows the user to specify parameters to control the flow configuration under investigation.

  • flow_init => integer, specify flow initialization

    • 0 => Channel flow

    • 1 => Boundary layer (also used for SBLI)

  • Mach => real, Mach number

  • Reynolds => real, Reynolds number

  • theta_wall => real, wall-temperature condition

  • xshock_imp => real, oblique shock impingment location

  • shock_angle => real, oblique shock angle

  • T_ref => real, reference dimensional temperature


For the channel flow configuration, the input Reynolds number is the (estimated) friction Reynolds number \(Re_\tau\). Simulations are performed at constant flow rate. The bulk temperature \(T_b\) can be specified providing a value for theta_wall, defined as \(\Theta = \frac{T_w - T_b}{T_r - T_b}\), where \(T_r\) is the recovery temperature based on \(T_b\) and the Mach number. When \(\Theta \ge -1\), a bulk cooling term is added to the total energy equation to keep the bulk temperature constant. For this type of simulation, Mach is the Mach number based on the bulk velocity and on the speed of sound evaluated at bulk temperature, see [8]. Alternatively, when \(\Theta < -1\), the bulk temperature is not constant and is free to evolve. In this case, the setup is similar to that reported in [7], with Mach based on the bulk velocity and on the speed of sound evaluated at wall temperature.

For boundary layer and SBLI configurations, the input Reynolds number is the friction Reynolds number at the inflow station \(Re_{\tau}\), whereas Mach is the free-stream Mach number. Moreover, in this case \(\Theta = \frac{T_w - T_{\infty}}{T_r - T_{\infty}}\), where \(T_r\) is the recovery temperature based on the free-stream temperature \(T_{\infty}\) and Mach number.


This section allows the user to specify fluid properties.

  • gam => real, specific heat ratio (for calorically-perfect gases)

  • Prandtl => real, (molecular) Prandtl number

  • visc_model => integer, viscosity-temperature relation

    • 0 => Inviscid flow

    • 1 => Power law

    • 2 => Sutherland law

  • vt_exp => real, exponent for power law viscosity-temperature relation

  • s_suth => real, Sutherland constant (dimensional temperature value, 110.4 K for air)

  • calorically_perfect => integer, flag to specify perfect gas properties

    • 0 => thermally perfect gas, variable specific heats

    • 1 => calorically perfect gas, constant specific heats

  • indx_cp_l, integer, exponent low limit of \(C_p (T)\) polynomial

  • indx_cp_r, integer, exponent high limit of \(C_p (T)\) polynomial

  • cp_coeff, real, list of coefficients for \(C_p (T)\) polynomial (from lowest to highest power), see [6]. If \(T^*\) is the dimensional temperature, the dimensional specific heat at constant pressure is expressed as

\[C_p^* = \textnormal{cp_coeff}(0) + \sum_{i = \textnormal{indx_cp_l}}^\textnormal{indx_cp_r} \textnormal{cp_coeff}(i) \cdot \left({T^*}\right)^i\]


This section allows the user to specify parameters to control the solver output. Frequencies are indicated in terms of number of cycles, i.e. RK steps or time iterations.

  • print_control => integer, frequency for printing output file progress.out

  • dtsave_restart => real, frequency for saving restart files

  • dtsave => real, frequency for saving plot3d and vtk files

  • dtstat => real, frequency for computing statistics (2D and 3D)

  • dtslice => real, frequency for writing slices

  • enable_stat_3d => integer, enable computation of 3D statistics (0 -> No, 1 -> Yes)

  • enable_plot3d => integer, enable writing of plot3d files (0 -> No, 1 -> Yes)

  • enable_vtk => integer, enable writing of vtr files (0 -> No, 1 -> Yes)

  • igslice => integer, list of (global) indices for yz-slices, between 1 and nxmax

  • jgslice => integer, list of (global) indices for xz-slices, between 1 and nymax

  • kgslice => integer, list of (global) indices for xy-slices, between 1 and nzmax

  • debug memory => integer, flag to activate CPU and GPU memory checks (0 -> No, 1 -> Yes)